Danube Reference Data and Services Infrastructure (DRDSI) | data.europa.eu
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Danube Reference Data and Services Infrastructure (DRDSI)

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission is coordinating an initiative to provide scientific support to the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), with the close cooperation of key scientific and public sector partners. In establishing this initiative, a common access point for harmonised data covering a broad range of topics would be needed. The DRDSI platform is meeting this demand by providing access to data from projects, Danube Region actors and pan-European organisations. Importantly, DRDSI is also building on EU Member States’ investments to implement the INSPIRE Directive (2007/2/EC). The platform is aiming to increase the number of records of datasets (currently over 1,700) and to develop a collaborative environment for data and service sharing to provide more harmonised data for research across multiple domains (including air quality and public health, water quality, soils and bioenergy) and potentially a resource for software and service developments.

Publication Date
Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Data Source
Multiple data sources
geographical information system
information service
information technology
dissemination of information
environmental policy
knowledge economy
European Region
Data visualisation

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