Where can mineral resources be found?
Minerals are found across the whole country in both Estonia and Hungary
Minerals take many different colours and shapes depending on the environment. Similar to vitamins, minerals are essential for processes in the human body. There are two different kinds of minerals; micro-minerals (for example copper, iron and selenium) and macro minerals (for example calcium, magnesium and Sodium). Micro-minerals are only needed in limited amounts, which are easily found by having a varied diet. Micro minerals on the other hand are needed in large amounts and therefore require for more attention than a varied diet.
Minerals are made by nature under specific circumstances. Therefore not every country produces every mineral. Also the location where minerals can be found, can vary among countries. In Estonia there are many locations close to the sea. In Hungary minerals can be found over the whole country.

Are you wondering whether minerals can be found in your country, find out here.