France makes new reference databases available |
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France makes new reference databases available

New milestone in France

The report on the re-use of Open Data recommends Open Data publishers to tailor the provision of Open Data to the need of re-users. In France, a consultation was organised on the implementation of the Public Data Service. This service stems from Article 14 of the Law for a Digital Republic, and aims to make the reference datasets available with the greatest economic and social impact, with the purpose of facilitating the re-use of these particular datasets.

160 people contributed to the consultation, which resulted in the first list of reference data to be made public. These include the Business Register (SIRENE), the National Directory of Associations (RNA), the Cadastre, the large-scale repository (RGE), the graphic plot register (RPG) and the national address database (BAN). By a decree signed on 14 March, this list was supplemented by the administrative organisation of the state database, the job and employment directory and the official geographic code database (COG).

The Public Data Service is now available online. It is aimed primarily at companies and administrations for which the availability of quality data is critical. Each data producer publishes his commitments on the conditions of the data made available (data documentation, frequency of updating, quality, etc). Etalab, responsible for the implementation and governance of this new service, will publish data availability indicators and will monitor compliance with these commitments.

Curious to find out more about these high-impact databases? Explore the new service here!

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