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Learn about the key highlights of the webinar on “Harvesting guidelines single access points”

Learn what was covered in the webinar on the European single access point in accordance with the upcoming Data Governance Act

On Tuesday 28 February, data.europa academy organised the webinar “The European single access point: Harvesting guidelines for national single information points” for Member States and national policymakers. Participants got informed about the technical implementation, the implementation roadmap, and the objectives of the European Single Access Point (ESAP) on data.europa.eu.

In accordance with the upcoming Data Governance Act (DGA) to be implemented by September 2023, the European Commission is required to set up a European Single Access Point where information from national single information points is compiled in a searchable register. Member States are responsible for the creation of the National Single Information Points (NSIP). The European Single Access Point will be integrated into data.europa.eu, adapting the existing portal infrastructure and harvesting approach.

The webinar started with an introduction of the DGA, following with a deep dive into the implementation plan for the European Single Access Point on data.europa.eu. Next, participants were informed about the overall harvesting approach and data architecture following with a detailed explanation on harvesting guidelines, supported interfaces and required data. The implementation roadmap and objectives were presented to highlight the next steps. To conclude, participants got the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.

Data.europa.eu hosts webinars to inform, inspire and learn on open data topics and skills. Stay tuned for the upcoming webinars!

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