Looking for a seat in the train? | data.europa.eu
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Looking for a seat in the train?

Open Data to predict how busy a train will be

The Belgian Union of public transport users, TreinTramBus, and iRail, a working group of Open Knowledge Belgium, want to use Open Data to predict the availability of seats in Belgian trains. This tool can be used to warn commuters that their normal ride will be busy or provide commuters the opportunity to signal an overcrowded train. The information will also be made available to existing applications for Belgian train travel by an API.

At the moment, this idea is simply a concept but TrainTramBus wants to release a Beta version of the project after summer 2016. In order to do so, they are currently running a crowd funding campaign via which they want to collect €4,000. With these funds they want to hire a student developer to create the application.

Do you want to support this initiative or do you think you can build this application?

Read more: https://spitsgids.be/

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