New report on European Data Spaces by Joint Research Centre
Discover new scientific insights into data sharing and utilisation at scale
At the heart of the European Commission's policy agenda for 2019-2024, lies a commitment to fostering fair and trustworthy data sharing, under the priority ‘A Europe fit for the digital age'. Part of this priority is the European data strategy and creation of European data spaces to make Europe a role model for a data empowered society.
The European Data Spaces report recently published by the Joint Research Centre aims to offer new scientific insights into large-scale (open) data sharing and utilisation. The European data spaces are conceived as autonomous, reliable, and interoperable data-sharing ecosystems, enabling the fluid exchange of data both within and between sectors, all while upholding European ambitions, regulations, and values.
As the main topic, the European Data Spaces report discerns and consolidates a series of overarching prerequisites for European data spaces, categorising them into functional and non-functional domains. Furthermore, the report states that a community-based approach through co-creation and co-design of common European data spaces, that keeps in mind the domain-specific context, is the only way to make sure that a wide range of people and groups will be interested and supportive of the initiative. Finally, the report concludes that scientific evidence should continue to play a central role in the conceptualisation and operationalisation of the European data spaces.
If you want to delve deeper into data spaces, the data.europa academy created a course dedicated to data spaces ‘Moving towards data spaces’. It includes readings, e-learnings and materials from a series of three webinars explaining the concept of data spaces and current state of play of the different data spaces.
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