Does the most popular data domain differ per country?
In 14 out of 31 countries, the environment domain is most popular
In total there are currently 597,090 data sets on the European Data Portal. To find your way in this tremendous amount of data, there are 13 different data domains in which the data sets are divided. As explained in a previous Featured data article, approximately 70% of the data sets are mapped to the data domains. When exploring the domains more closely, one can wonder whether data domains with the most data sets published in for example Greece, are also the same in for example Finland? To investigate this question, the proportion of data sets per domain is calculated per country and compared from one country to another. The results from this search can be found in the table below.

The Environment domain is clearly the most popular in almost half of the countries. After that domain, Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food as well as Population and society domains are most popular. In total there are four domains that are listed in none of the countries as most popular. An explanation can be that there is less Open Data available in these domains. When comparing the total amount of data sets per category in a previous Featured data article, one can conclude that this is indeed the case.