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Gesetze: Saksan ja EU:n lainsäädäntö käden ulottuvilla

Oikeustieteen opiskelijoille ja juristiharjoittelijoille suunnatun Gesetze-sovelluksen avulla voi hakea tietoa EU:n lainsäädäntötietokannasta EUR-Lexistä sekä Saksan liittohallituksen ja Baijerin osavaltion hallituksen tietokannoista.
  • Terveys

FoodTrade MenuPDF

FoodTrade Menu helps small restaurants and caterers to create customer menus with the most up-to-date allergen information, so they can comply with Food Standards Agency regulations. In this, they collect data from food producers, growers, and government to produce tailored menus with flagged dishes and recipes that include all information related to 14 allergens.

  • Koulutus, kulttuuri ja urheilu

Find a RacePDF

Find a Race provides an overview of public sports events in various cities in the UK. On their website people can use filters and a search function to find their next run, swim or ride. Various events can also be booked via the website.

  • Talous ja raha-asiat


Enigma is a platform that provides big public data about companies, people, and locations that is centralised and structured content wise. In this, everyone has the opportunity to access and connect the public data and to re-use it.

  • Oikeus, oikeusjärjestelmä ja yleinen turvallisuus

Confiscati BenePDF

The project Confiscati Bene catalogues data about assets that are confiscated from the Mafia and how they are re-used in Italy.

  • Talous ja raha-asiat

Amiqus ResolutionPDF

Amiqus provides expertise and information on legal and financial related topics. Once companies to use Amiqus ID, they will have a secure online account from which they can run, review and record all necessary compliance checks including identity checks and anti-money laundering checks. Afterwards professional advice can be requested.

  • Maatalous, kalastus, metsätalous ja elintarvikkeet


Agroknow focuses on knowledge management and research on knowledge-intensive technology innovations for agriculture, food, and biodiversity. Organisations and people can get support on how to address societal and environmental challenges using solutions that are informed and enhanced by high-quality data, as Agroknow has an extensive experience in building services for the agricultural community.

  • Maatalous, kalastus, metsätalous ja elintarvikkeet


The GREENSPIN application provides real-time, field-accurate information based on up-to-date satellite data. The agricultural information that is delivered includes land cover classification, area statistics, real-time growing conditions and controls of agricultural land use activities.

  • Terveys


Doctena provides real-time information on doctors' calendars to help patients make appointments at their respective doctors. Patients can either search for specific doctors or for a type of doctors and book appointments directly via the tool.