Käyttötapaukset | data.europa.eu
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Piperlab is a company that uses national and local open data portals in Spain to obtain optimal results according to the business objectives of their clients and to help them face business challenges by making decisions based on data.

  • Valtioneuvosto ja julkinen sektori


K-monitor is an NGO that fights corruption and promotes transparency in Hungary. The company challenges social indifference to corruption in the country. The company creates tools and databases to make public expenses trackable and decision makers accountable.

  • Liikenne


InstaVIN reports on a vehicle's history, such as information about the previous owners and mileage readings, hence informing potential buyers about the condition of the vehicle to guide the decision making.

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Infocif by Gedesco is a company that uses national and local open data portals to provide relevant information to improve decision-making for topics such as tenders and public contracts, new companies, executive positions and corporate connections, public activities and companies addresses.

  • Valtioneuvosto ja julkinen sektori


Ennovent accelerates innovative projects in low-income markets. They focus on capacity building and matching organizations. Public data is used to advise organizations on their strategy.

  • Kansainväliset kysymykset


Bellingcat is a website for investigative journalism. The company uses open source and social media data to investigate a variety of topics. By using geospatial data, the company can find the original location where footage is shot. This information is used to verify the validity of footage.

  • Alueet ja kaupungit


Rentsquare's goal is to help landlords and tenants find fair rental prices. The company does this by using open data to find a price where the landlord will earn a profit and the tenant will also receive a fair price given the surrounding area and housing conditions.

  • Maatalous, kalastus, metsätalous ja elintarvikkeet


M-farm allows farmers to receive real-time information on prices for their crops. This prevents middlemen and traders from taking advantage of farmers and offering them unfair prices.

  • Alueet ja kaupungit


HomeShow is a website that real estate agents can use to sell property. The website and application uses open data to automatically create a website for a home that is for sale and adds relevant information about the neighbourhood, such as shops, facilities and population statistics.

  • Talous ja raha-asiat


Clicpiso is a company that combines public and private data to simplify and optimise the large chains of processes involved in buying and selling second-hand homes.