Copernicus Training and Information Sessions |
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Copernicus Training and Information Sessions

Copernicus Training and Information Sessions

To have a clear understanding of our climate it is of crucial importance to have available up to date and comprehensive environmental information. With this information, scientists can monitor climate change and the role human activities play in these changes. With this understanding, it also becomes clear how these changes can influence our daily lives and how to deal with it. In Europe, Copernicus makes sure the data of the various tools to monitor the earth is brought together and shared in an open format. This data touches on subjects ranging from the earths' oceans to the energy use as can be seen in this short video on the Programme.

To raise awareness about the Copernicus Programme and to make sure people have a basic skill set to work with the data, the European Commission is organising sessions throughout Europe. The next three of these sessions will take place in Lithuania, Latvia and Denmark in the upcoming months. During these sessions, participants will be introduced to:

  • data and information available via the programme;
  • available tools to access this information; and
  • potential applications and uses of the data and information.

Do you want to get to know more about the potential of the Open Data made available via Copernicus and see how it can be used? Take a look at the upcoming sessions by Copernicus and register for the one closest to you.

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