Deadline for 2018 CEF Telecom Call - Public Open Data is approaching |
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Deadline for 2018 CEF Telecom Call - Public Open Data is approaching

€18.5 million of funding available for proposals

The European Union, under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme, launched a call for proposals making EU funding available through grants to improve the interoperability and interconnectivity of the European digital service ecosystem. The 2018 CEF Telecom Public Open Data call (CEF-TC-2018-5) makes 18.5 million of funding available for proposals in this area. The deadline for submission is 15 November. Proposals will be evaluated until February 2019 and grant agreements are expected to enter into force from April 2019 onwards. Read the work programme and the flyer on the CEF Telecom Public Open Data call. Applications can be submitted online via the TENtec eSubmission system.

The FAQ or the helpdesk can answer further questions. You can find potential partners for a CEF Telecom consortium via the LinkedIn group.

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