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Open Data for e-auctions

Greece to publish Public Property registries

The Greek General Secretariat of Public Property in cooperation with the General Secretariat of Information Systems and Logistics announced the publication of Open Data on the Greek property. This release, part of the National Action Plan for Open Governance, is part of their effort to enhance the transparency in government transactions.

Alongside the release of the data, an electronic auctioning system will be implemented. Together with the availability of open data on the public property (e.g., geospatial, expropriation etc.) and open procedures for tenders and tender notices, these two initiatives reinforce each other in enhancing transparency. Depending on the cooperation and possibilities of the relevant departments, the data will progressively include a broad number of items regarding the public property. This ranges from the current ownership for example of the seashore, utility projects, or housing to the construction or tenders of future properties.

The release of data on the public property is part of the general effort of the Greek government to enhance the provision of public information to its citizens. For example the Greek Ministry of Justice is also working on solutions to ease the communication with court services and to enhance the transparency of its organisation. Want to know more about the Open Data developments in Greece? Follow the link below (article published in Greek).

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