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Sign up for the data.europa academy webinar “The European Year of Skills and the role of open data”

Join the webinar to learn more about the relevance of the European Year of Skills and open data in upskilling, learning and development

A webinar on the importance of digital skills and the role of open data will be hosted by data.europa academy on Friday 31 March 2023 from 10:00 to 11:30 CET. It will introduce and highlight the significance of the European Year of Skills, the need for digital upskilling in the fast-changing world and how open data and data.europa academy can contribute.

The European Commission has appointed 2023 as the European Year of Skills, focusing on lifelong learning, empowering people with the right tools and contributing to green and digital transitions by developing digital skills. According to the Digital Economy and Society Index, 4 out of 10 adults and every third person working in Europe lack basic digital skills. In light of this, offers the essentials for open data knowledge and skills on the data.europa academy, providing tools to improve digital skills. The academy has been recently renewed to provide even better user-experience and bring together all the materials in courses and lessons.

The webinar will begin with an introduction of the European Year of Skills, providing statistics and trends on digital skills to highlight their relevance. Following that, the data.europa academy will be introduced, focusing on the new lessons and courses available and the essential role of open data in moving towards a data-literate society, with synergy with the European Year of Skills. This will be followed by a panel discussion with experts from various sectors on digital skills, presenting the potential trends, challenges, and opportunities for upskilling. They will also present platforms and initiatives that can be used to learn and obtain data-related competences.

Are you curious to know why and how to improve your digital skills or support the learning of others? Click on the link to register.

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