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Open Data about public Wi-Fi zones

Since the launch of the first smartphone, just 20 years ago, the number of smartphones has increased extremely fast. Already in the year 2013 alone, more than one billion smartphones were sold. Smartphones allow people to be online where ever and whenever they want. The increased demand to have internet available at any location has resulted in an increased demand for Wi-Fi spots as well. Now it is a requirement for hotels to have Wi-Fi, whereas before Wi-Fi was an additional feature for the more luxury hotels. The spread of Wi-Fi expands with now restaurants, gas stations and even busses having their own hotspot.

Besides commercialised organisations, Wi-Fi access is also offered by public organisations as a services. In Spain for example, the city of Bilbao has installed various Wi-Fi spots in the city centre to provide their citizens with internet throughout the city. This gives both the local residents as visitors the opportunity to enjoy coverage which is centrally provided and free of charge. The location of these Wi-Fi zones is available as Open Data and gives citizens and tourists the locations of access to the internet.

Bilbao WIFI


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