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Use Open Data to explore Italy's nature!

And watch out for brown bears

Are you a nature lover? Then you should explore the benefits Open Data can bring you. Did you for instance know that the European Data Portal can help you to find - or to avoid - brown bears ('Orso Marsicano') in the region of Lazio, Italy? This dataset presents the events of bear encounters between the '90s and 2015, and shows these encounters on a 2 by 2 kilometer grid. Documenting these encounters is important for the territorial management aimed at preserving the population of the brown bear. The picture below shows that in Lazio, bear encounters primarily occur in the mountains in the east of the region.

Map 1


If you are afraid of brown bears and more interested in 72 species of land mammals present in the regional territory of Lazio, then this dataset might be of interest for you: it shows the alerts for land mammals, which is used for research purposes, incidence assessments, and regional planning.

Of course, the Lazio region has much more to offer than wild animals. Did you know that data on the presence of monumental trees in Lazio is available on our portal as well? Furthermore, an overview of protected areas and natural monuments is presented below and can be retrieved here.

Map 2


Do you want to find out nature data in general or the beautiful nature of the Lazio region? Then take a look at the European Data Portal's catalogues and browse through the available datasets!