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Register for the webinar on ‘Competition law in the data economy’

Join us to learn more about the impact the Data Act will have on competition law and the data economy.

The proposed innovations of the Data Act will greatly impact data holders, data re-users and the legal landscape in Europe. The webinar titled ‘Competition law in the data economy: How will the evolving legal landscape affect data markets?, scheduled for Friday 27 January 2023 at 10:00 to 11:30 CET, will give a detailed picture of this impact and also present the ongoing discussions and evolutions around competitive and anticompetitive data sharing practices.

The webinar will focus on the current application of traditional competition law and the anticipated impact of the proposed Data Act. Expert panelists from the anticompetitive and competitive perspectives will compare competition law against the innovations of the proposed Data Act to illustrate if they are entirely complementary or if there are risks of overlap. 

The session will start with a short presentation of the relevance of competition law to the data economy by looking at a few practical cases, for instance the Internet of Things. Thereafter, the speakers will discuss the perspective of traditional competition law, its present application, the key principles, and the key current discussions. Finally, the webinar will be concluded with a summary of the ambitions of the Data Act and how it is likely to shape competition problems.   

Are you interested in participating? All open data enthusiasts are welcome to register here.

For more information about this webinar and upcoming ones, visit data.europa academy.

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