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The updated Open Data Portal of the Provincial Council of Castellón is now live!

The Provincial Council of Castellón has updated its open data portal to support citizens in accessing open regional and local datasets


In June 2022, the Provincial Council of Castellón updated their open data portal. The update consists of several new features and datasets.

Firstly, the most significant update to the portal consists of a completely new design for the webisite’s cover.  The open data portal team has opted to offer a more visually intuitive redesign of the home page that supports users’ orientation in the portal. This includes highlighting specific sections, including data stories, specific datasets, and dashboards or visualisations.  

Secondly, the update consists of additional data that aims to address depopulation in the region. A section has been added that is dedicated to the depopulation of the Castellón territory. This includes all the datasets related to the services provided to the rural community that aim to combat depopulation. There are currently 6 datasets with information related or linked to the towns in the interior of the province, including electric vehicle rechanging points, care centres, Wi-Fi points, and housing in municipalities in the province. This section has been introduced with the intent of making users aware of the closest services available to them. It also highlights the value of open data in providing useful information to prevent regressive impacts to the population in the short and long-term.

Thirdly, the portal’s update includes the visualisation of the datasets. For each dataset, users can generate their own graphs and maps that can then be further shared or embedded through an iFrame or as a widget.

The main objective of this portal is to enable citizens to freely access data managed by the local administration. This complements the Provincial Council of Castellón’s open data strategy, which aims to support the national governments in fostering re-use across Spain, and to advise the staff of the open data portal on how to identify and develop specific content to be published openly. To achieve the portal’s objectives, the open data portal team engages in various activities around open data with (re-)users and interested parties in Castellón, and at a national level. The intent is to increase the dissemination, knowledge, and re-use of information based on open data.

Interested in knowing more? Explore the Provincial Council of Castellón’s open data portal!


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