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European data
Portal oficial dos dados europeus

Which of the 13 domains shows the largest increase in datasets over the past 3 months?

The Science and Technology domain has almost double its amount of datasets. The Justice domain still has the most datasets

Since the release of the first official version of the European Data Portal (EDP) in February 2016, the number of catalogues harvested by the EDP and the number of datasets harvested by the national portals, has increased. The datasets are categorised into 13 domains.

Some national portals use a different categorisation requiring the mapping to be continuously improved and updated. Currently, approximately 70% of the datasets harvested are mapped to the 13 domains of the EDP.

As the number of datasets on EDP is increasing since end February, it is interesting to know which of these data domains is increasing the most. It appears that the Science and Technology domain has almost doubled the amount of datasets referenced on the Portal since the beginning of the year. There are 5 other categories which show an increase of over 30% as well. Interesting to see, it that the Agriculture domain shows a decrease. This can be explained partly by the fact that one of the national portals has removed this data from its portal, or has relocated data sets from this domain to another.

Increase in datasets table


Discover all domains of the portal here