Deep-dive into artificial intelligence and data ecosystems: the regulatory approach of the European Union |
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The webinar will take place online on Friday 2 February from 10.00 to 11.30 CET. 

The development and adoption of artificial intelligence services has outpaced the legislative process around the world. Following frequent calls for stronger public policy controls, the EU now aims to regulate certain AIs, following a risk-based approach: some AIs could only be brought to the market if certain requirements are met, and others would be banned altogether. An interim agreement was reached on this topic between the Council and Parliament on 9 December 2023. The impacts of the proposals are however not easy to predict. 

In this panel discussion, we will be discussing the AI Act and its implications. Mark your calendars for this data.europa academy panel discussion 'Deep-dive into artificial intelligence and data ecosystems: the regulatory approach of the European Union' and join us on 2 February 10.00 - 11.30 CET for an interesting discussion on the AI Act!

 Deep-dive into artificial intelligence and data ecosystems

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