Boer&Bunder for "beautiful new innovative products for farmers" |
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Boer&Bunder for "beautiful new innovative products for farmers"

All agricultural information of the Netherlands on parcel level, accessible and visualised in one place

Boer&Bunder is an initiative offering 700,000 parcels of land, in a simple and intuitive way. The site visualises all available data on parcel level in the Netherlands. Such as the height classification, the eligible area, what has been cultivated in recent years, and how the soil type is divided within the parcel. Based on satellite images, growth can be monitored and the cadastral map tells how a parcel is divided into cadastral parcels.

The site is a product of open innovation, realised through a hackathon. At the introduction, Boer&Bunder was quite confronting for many farmers seeing the information open, but the number of visitors, especially by arable farmers, is evidence that there are many benefits of transparency. The co-founder Mark Gooskens explains: "We would like to use existing Open Data to make beautiful new innovative products for farmers. If the source holder of the Open Data decides that the data is no longer open, fine, it will go out." Curious to find out more? Visit Boer&Bunder.

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