INSPIRE 2020 |
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European data
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Save the date and join INSPIRE 2020 online!

Due to the COVID-19 medical alert, the INSPIRE Conference 2020 was cancelled and the in-person event in Dubrovnik, Croatia, has been postponed to INSPIRE 2021 on 11 to 14 May 2021. Instead, the organisation team invites confirmed speakers, facilitators, and interested guests to join the special online sessions and workshops between 3 to 12 June 2020 online. The sessions and workshops are free of charge and links are open for registration.  

This year, the European Data Portal (EDP) team will be hosting a workshop on the High Value Datasets: What are the lessons learned from INSPIRE? on Monday 8 June at 11:00 CEST. In the workshop, speakers will discuss the re-use of High Value Datasets and how it is associated with important benefits for the society and economy. Currently, the European Commission is working with EU Member States on the identification of High Value Datsets, which will be set out in an Implementing Act. The EU Member States are expected to ensure their availability free of charge, in machine readable formats, provided via Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and, where relevant, as bulk download.

The thematic categories of High Value Datasets prescribed by the Open Data Directive are:

  • Geospatial
  • Earth observation and environment
  • Meteorological
  • Statistics
  • Companies and company ownership
  • Mobility.

Interested in learning more? Register for the EDP’s workshop to discuss:

  • how the geospatial community might benefit from high value datasets, and
  • how the geospatial community can contribute to the identification and better availability of high value datasets.


Looking for more open data related news? Visit the EDP news archive and follow us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. Interested in learning more about COVID-19 and open data? Visit our EDP for COVID-19 page.

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