Smart cities and data spaces: A recap of our November and December sessions
Learn more about our data.europa academy November and December activities
In November, the academy hosted two informative webinars, continuing its popular ‘Data Spaces’ series and launching the new ‘Smart Cities’ series. The Data Spaces webinar focused on data management, whereas the Smart Cities webinar delved into smart city technologies in Europe. Both webinars demonstrated how data accessibility and innovative technologies are driving innovation across various sectors.
The first webinar, ‘Data Spaces: Experience from the European Health and Common Energy Data Spaces’, explored the European Health Data Space and the Common European Energy Data Space, focusing on developments in data accessibility, security, and interoperability. Experts from the European Commission shared their experiences and insights, demonstrating how these data spaces are driving innovation in the healthcare and energy sectors. Attendees engaged in discussions and networking, gaining valuable insights to integrate data spaces into their work. The webinar was recorded, so you can now watch the recording and access the slides.
The ‘Smart Cities and Digital Twin Technology: The Case of Rotterdam’ webinar explored the innovative world of smart city technology, focusing on how open data is transforming urban management. A European Commission Policy Officer introduced smart city strategies and key policies, while a representative from Rotterdam presented the city’s digital twin project. This initiative integrates real-time data to support transparent decision-making and collaborative urban planning, offering a practical example of how technology can enable sustainable urban development. If you missed the webinar, you can watch the recording and access the slides.
These two webinars mark the conclusion of our Academy activities for 2024, a year in which over 11,000 participants registered for our webinars. Thank you for your active participation and engagement throughout the year! Looking ahead to 2025, we are planning many new and interesting webinars.
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