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Portalul oficial pentru date europene

Cazuri de utilizare

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  • Mediu


Curio provides public access to information on local environmental features through mobile and web applications. It also uses publicly contributed data to improve management and preservation of local environments.

  • Educaţie, cultură şi sport

MeatheritagePDF features live information from the National Monuments Service dataset with various open datasets throughout Europe.

  • Mediu

Informatiehuis MarienPDF

Informatiehuis Marien offers a global overview of the chemical and biological monitoring networks that is being carried out in the North Sea and Wadden Sea

  • Educaţie, cultură şi sport

FRIS OnderzoeksportaalPDF

The FRIS Onderzoeksportaal offers a perspective on publicly funded research in Belgium. The website strives to bring researchers closer together and to stimulate interdisciplinary research.

  • Educaţie, cultură şi sport

Culture EverywherePDF

Culture Everywhere is a platform that helps arts and heritage organisations with funding bids. The platform reveals not only who, where and what has received funding but where there may be gaps in cultural provision.

  • Educaţie, cultură şi sport


Course Match helps students explore their educational options, and helps Universities, Colleges & brands market to these students.

  • Populaţie şi societate


Avuxi helps travelers and businesses to make quick decisions when it comes to choosing somewhere to visit.

  • Populaţie şi societate

Ask HelmutPDF

Ask Helmut helps urbanites and tourists to discover the best events in town: concerts, films, performances and exhibitions.

Atlas of the Sky

Care sunt cele 5 aeroporturi din Europa tranzitate de cel mai mare număr de pasageri? Câte zboruri au fost anulate din cauza grevelor din țările din UE? Atlasul cerului, care oferă acces la date legate de aviație, vă poate răspunde la aceste întrebări și la multe altele. Este vorba despre o interfață ușor de utilizat, bazată pe date statistice privind transportul aerian, care utilizează hărți pentru a afișa informații precum: numărul de locuri/tone disponibile anual numărul total de pasageri transportați statistici privind serviciile de handling la sol obligațiile de serviciu public acordurile
  • Transport

Transport for LondonPDF

The world's largest database of bicycle infrastructure that provides information about finding places to park or protected cycle lanes, and pictures of cycling infrastructure to see what can be found on-street and where.