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Use cases

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  • Transport


Citymapper aims to aid users in traveling to and from different destinations by providing different route options in more than 40 cities around the world.

  • Miljø


airTEXT is a service that provides air quality alerts and 3-day forecasts on air quality across Greater London. The service is operated by Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants (CERC) in partnership with representative from all member local authorities, the Greater London Authority (GLA), Public Health England and the Environmental Agency.

  • Regeringen og den offentlige sektor

Mastodon CPDF

Mastodon C consists of data scientists and data engineers that aims to provide agile big data insights in a sustainable way. The organisation works with local authorities and central government departments to exploit data to improve how they operate.
  • Regeringen og den offentlige sektor


dataLEADS is a data-driven initiative that aims to create new platforms of data research and storytelling through data visualisation and reporting.
  • Uddannelse, kultur og sport

Culture TripPDF

Culture Trip is a start-up that focuses on travel, media and entertainment. The organisation's aim is to “inspire people to go beyond their cultural boundaries and connect with the world around them” by providing users with information about the area they are visiting based on recommendations from locals.
  • Regeringen og den offentlige sektor


Doorda is a company that provides businesses with unique data within different categories, such as properties and health. They also provide insights and recommendations on how to exploit the data.
  • Uddannelse, kultur og sport


Sygic is an application that guides users to their destination without internet connection. The application includes high-quality 3D maps, regular maps and information on parking locations, how busy the traffic route to your destination is, speeding camera locations and up-to-date information about fuel price in petrol stations.

Hvad EU gør for mig

Hvordan påvirker EU vores dagligdag? Hvordan påvirker det vores job, vores familier, vores sundhedspleje, vores fritidsaktiviteter, vores rejser, vores sikkerhed, vores valg som forbrugere og vores sociale rettigheder?Og hvordan er EU til stede i vores byer, storbyer og regioner? Fordi vi er EU-borgere, har EU betydning for vores dagligdag, uanset hvor vi bor, hvordan vi tjener vores penge, eller hvad vi bruger vores tid på.Forud for valget til Europa-Parlamentet i 2019 præsenterer dette websted en række korte notater, der undersøger EU's resultater og foranstaltninger set fra den enkeltes

EFSA to the people

Mad er nødvendigt for at leve. Og sikre madvarer er afgørende for vores sundhed. Kan du huske krisen med kogalskab i Storbritannien (bovin spongiform encephalopati (BSE)) eller dioxinkrisen i Belgien? I 1990'erne viste en række fødevarekriser, at der var alvorlige mangler i fødevareproduktions- og distributionssystemet, hvilket underminerede forbrugertilliden. Som følge heraf blev Den Europæiske Fødevaresikkerhedsautoritet (EFSA) oprettet. Nu knap 20 år senere er de europæiske forbrugere blandt verdens bedst beskyttede og bedst informerede om risiciene i fødevarekæden. EFSA er et EU-agentur
  • Miljø

Talking HeritagePDF

Talking Heritage is an application that offers a unique experience when visiting the Pargues de Sintra in Portugal. The application provides information and route suggestion to explore the park.