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Imagine being in a supermarket and having to buy a face cream for yourself or a shampoo for your child: how to choose a really healthy product? Which of them respect the principles of environmental sustainability? How to know if some of them contain unsafe substances?

GoodGuide is a US application that tries to answer these questions in real time.

GoodGuide uses product ingredient information coupled with authoritative sources for chemical regulations to rate products so that consumers can have instant access to product information that is easily understood.

Products and ingredients can be searched for in the website, or you can scan the product barcode using the mobile app to find out whether a product contains ingredients with identified health hazards.

As the app covers U.S. based products, the barcode scanning isn't such a useful feature in Europe. But – even if there can be sometimes differences in product formulations between US and EU market versions, big brands are available in many countries and GoogGuide can still provide very useful information also to Europe based consumers: just look for products by their name or brand. GoodGuide takes anyway into account the EU regulatory system for cosmetics and personal care products, as it is the most health-protective one.

The app is available only in EN.


Publication Date
GoodGuide Inc.
Data Source
Multiple data sources
European chemicals agency
Data visualisation
Information analysis
Application from EU / Third party
Third party
English (en)

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