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Use cases

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  • Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry & Foods


The FARM platform aims to optimise the value chain and bring different groups together as an ecosystem around a data driven platform. The platform wants to promote farm research platforms that contribute to food security, sustainability and poverty alleviation

Open Food Facts - A collaborative, open database of food products from around the world

Curious about food? Interested in the nutritional quality of what you eat? Open Food Facts is a multilingual database of food products with ingredients, allergens, nutrition facts and all the other titbits of information you find on the label. It also grades the nutritional quality of each product, and compares it to the average values of food in the same category, helping you make better food choices. Simply search for the product you're interested in and you'll have all this info at your fingertips. You can also explore, discover and compare products by aspects like brand, category, label


Looking for information about a medicine? MEDICATIO will help you find your way among the plethora of pharmaceuticals on the market and equip you with the knowledge you need to talk to your doctor or pharmacist. It covers: active and inactive (as excipients) ingredients drugs with similar effects instructions for use side effects the medical condition(s) for which each medicine is prescribed. The information it provides is far more detailed than what you'll find in the standard instructions for use. The app (currently under testing) is available in French, with more language versions on the


Looking for business opportunities across Europe, but finding it hard to keep track of new calls for tender – abroad or at home? With public authorities across the EU spending hundreds of billions of euros on public contracts every year, your business can’t afford to miss out. Tenderlake will help find the right public tenders for you. It offers a range of customisable features, including: alerts for new and/or relevant calls for tender updates on who is winning contracts in your industry helping you manage all your projects and deadlines checking for upcoming contracts you might be interested
  • Government & Public Sector


Ubiwhere is working on a project to understand how factors like, weather, time of the year and points of interests, can affect the way citizens move. The company uses this data and historical travel data to find relations between these predictions and transportation options. This knowledge helps mobility operators and policy makers in their decision process.

  • Government & Public Sector

Swandiri InstitutePDF

Swandiri Institute addresses sustainability by analysing trends from national datasets and proposing solutions to governmental agencies and NGOs. By doing this they also help farmers identifying pests and diseases in their crops early.

  • Science & Technology


RemOT is a company that uses geographical open data and spatial information to support the application RuralMaps, which facilitates GPS navigation on rural roads.

  • Science & Technology


Populate is a company that uses national and local open data portals in Spain to promote transparency, participation and accountability initiatives through data visualisation.

  • Regions & Cities

Land InsightPDF

Land Insight helps identify and assess land with potential for new housing. The company offers tools to get insights about building sites, owners, market valuations, planning applications and planning policies. By consolidating this data into one application, Land Insight saves companies time otherwise spent on research planning policies and saves site owners time in searching for potential housing projects.

  • Regions & Cities

Helsinki Regional InfosharePDF

Helsinki Region Infoshare is a website that provides urban data in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen in Finland. The website has information about over 10,000 different points of interest, such as restaurants or historical landmarks, and is constantly updating their data to provide current open data for further analysis.