Open Food Facts - A collaborative, open database of food products from around the world |
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Open Food Facts - A collaborative, open database of food products from around the world

Curious about food? Interested in the nutritional quality of what you eat?

Open Food Facts is a multilingual database of food products with ingredients, allergens, nutrition facts and all the other titbits of information you find on the label.

It also grades the nutritional quality of each product, and compares it to the average values of food in the same category, helping you make better food choices. Simply search for the product you're interested in and you'll have all this info at your fingertips.

You can also explore, discover and compare products by aspects like brand, category, label, origin of ingredients etc. Want to know which breakfast cereals have the least fat and sugar? In 3 clicks you can create an interactive graph to show this. So you can change to healthier cereals, and by comparing products from different brands, you could even encourage producers to make them better.

Open Food Facts gathers information on food products from around the world, combining official data with crowdsourced input. The complete database is published as open data and can be reused by anyone and for any use.

The app, winner of the EU Datathon 2018 challenge "European Food Safety Authority – Fostering data reuse and innovation", is available for free as a website or mobile app (Android, iPhone and Windows phones).
Give it a try – and feel free to contribute any information you think could be useful. After all, if knowledge is power, food knowledge is the power to eat better!

Publication Date
Open Food Facts
Data Source
European Food Safety Authority
Multiple data sources
Food safety
Comparative results
Application from EU / Third party
Third party
English (en)

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