DACHLI Open Government meeting in Berlin | data.europa.eu
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DACHLI Open Government meeting in Berlin

What's happening in Open Government in the German speaking countries?

In 2012, the German speaking countries Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Lichtenstein decided to work closer together on Open Government and Open Data. By signing the "Diskussionspapier zur Open Government Data-Zusammenarbeit in der DACHLI-Region" (Discussion paper on Open Government Data-collaboration in the DACHLI region) the countries agreed to organise annual meetings and share best practices. After rotating locations of the previous meetings, the annual meeting returns to where the founding paper was signed, Berlin; where the meeting is scheduled for 9-10 May.

During this gathering several aspects of Open Data will be discussed and during the afternoon attention will be given to Use Cases from the region. Are you interested in Open Data in the DACHLI region, out of policy or commercial or private interest? Read more about this event by following the link below!

Read more: http://daten.berlin.de/sites/default/files/ES2016_OGD_DACHLI_infoblatt.pdf

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