Data for Humanity: An Open Letter |
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Data for Humanity: An Open Letter

Help to encourage people to use data to serve humanity

Two professors, Robert V. Zicari and Andrej Zwitter, published an article on the website of the Goethe University in Frankfurt entitled 'Data for Humanity: An Open Letter'. In their letter, they ask all data users to use data only for the common good and to serve humanity. The letter also contains an invitation to everyone involved in working with data to sign the letter. By signing the letter, you support the 5 principles that they propose:

The 5 principles

  1. Do not harm
  2. Use data to help create peaceful coexistence
  3. Use data to help vulnerable people and people in need
  4. Use data to preserve and improve natural environment
  5. Use data to help creating a fair world without discrimination

Do you agree with those principles? Go the website and sign the letter yourself.

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