Ocean Energy Portal | data.europa.eu
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An tairseach oifigiúil um shonraí Eorpacha

Ocean Energy Portal

An initiative helping Ireland transition to a sustainable and future-proof economy

Developed by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) and the Irish Marine Institute, the Ocean Energy Portal functions as a central hub for marine renewable energy information and research. The portal is designed to provide relevant and up-to-date information and to inspire knowledge sharing between energy developers. Its aim is to create employment in a green economy and to lead the way in reducing greenhouse gas emissions whilst ensuring the supply of energy for future generations.

The portal is categorised into six domains:

  • Environment & Planning;
  • Research;
  • Supply Chain;
  • Enterprise Development;
  • Grid; and
  • Test Facilities.

These domains offer information on, for example, marine data, maps, site assessment tools and management and development material. The tool is constantly in development and encourages input from its users.

The data published is open for anyone to access and is obtained through the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), the Irish Marine Institute and through on- and offshore measuring devices at several test institutes covering the entire Irish coastline. By opening research findings up to the public, this project constitutes an inspiring example of how public data can aid the global quest for renewable energy sources to support our economy in the next decades.

The Ocean Energy Portal is one of over 700 use cases published on the European Data Portal. If you come across an inspiring use case, please share it via mailTwitterFacebook or LinkedIn.

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