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Public consultation: Data Act

European Commission seeks opinions on data sharing

In November 2020, the European Commission put forward the Data Governance Act as part of the European Strategy for data. The Data Act follows up on this proposal and aims to facilitate data sharing across the EU and between sectors by increasing trust in data intermediaries and strengthening data sharing mechanisms.

Now, the Commission invites citizens, businesses, online platforms, academics, civil society, administrations, and other enthusiasts to share their input for creating a fair data economy that provides safe access to data for everyone.

On the Data Act, Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for a Europe fit for the digital age, stated:

“The Data Act is a new major step in building a fair and human-centred approach to digitalisation. It will clarify the rights and obligations of parties in data transactions and ensure fairness in the allocation of data value among the actors of the data economy.” 

The Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, added:

“The Data Act will unlock vast troves of industrial data and contribute to the emergence of a sovereign single market for data. European data, in particular industrial data, needs to be shared, stored and processed in line with European rules such as data protection, respect of intellectual property and trade secrets.”

Make your voice heard and submit your answers to the consultation before 3 September.

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