What happened during #Hack4Swe? | data.europa.eu
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What happened during #Hack4Swe?

22 teams participated in the creation of new #OpenData based digital services and solutions

During the weekend of 12-13 March 2016, the annual #Hack4Swe took place. This year, 23 government agencies and organizations participated as organizers in this hackathon that provided a common platform for Open Data for students, developers, data journalists, innovators and government agencies to use for developing new services and products. The European Data Portal congratulates the following winners:

The team that won the Hack for Sweden award this year is Ge0Hack3rs with their service called Divercity. It is a web service that aims to help residents, visitors, planners and businesses take advantage of the city's potential. The jury's justification for awarding this team with the Hack for Sweden award is that "Divercity is a solid, well planned project with clear opportunities to create value for both companies, municipalities, citizens and tourists. With a wide array of used data sources and a well implemented visualization, they stand out as a team that has taken a clear and ambitious idea during the trip that is the hack for Sweden".

Winner in the category "best community value" was the company Sweco with a bike city benchmark of all Swedish municipalities, based on the number of bike accidents and the ratio of available kilometres of bike lanes vs kilometres of car roads in towns. In the category "best business value", the winner was team/company Intellecta. Their service shows the relationship between accelerating costs of housing in Stockholm and other factors.

Read more (Swedish): http://hackforsweden.se/

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