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Cásanna Úsáide

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COVID-19 Data PortalPDF

The European Commission and EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), together with EU Member States and research partners such as ELIXIR, operate a dedicated European COVID-19 Data Platform that enables the rapid collection and comprehensive data sharing of available research data from different sources for the European and global research communities. It consist of a COVID-19 Data Portal, SARS-CoV-2 Data Hubs and Federated European Genome-phenome Archive.
  • Eolaíocht agus teicneolaíocht

Grafana LabsPDF

The Grafana project was started by Torkel Ödegaard in 2014 and has the last couple of years become one of the most popular open source projects on GitHub. They build open software, with permissive licenses. It allows you to query, visualise and alert on metrics and logs no matter where they are stored.
  • Daonra agus sochaí


DataFrance is an open data visualization platform. Thanks to an interactive map and more than 36,000 files dedicated to each municipality, their platform allows consultation, comparison and analysis of data throughout France. For each municipality, they provide more than sixty indicators on various themes, such as population, real estate, education, transport, or environment.
  • Réigiúin agus cathracha


OmgevingsAlert is a Dutch App that tracks all permits and real estate updates for several Dutch municipalities. This app is free and based on data shared by municipalities themselves.
  • Réigiúin agus cathracha

Cooles WienPDF

Cooles Wien is an application developed by the city of Vienna that provides a useful solution for urban heat islands. While temperatures are increasing annually across the globe, urban areas are particularly affected by a warming climate. Cooles Wien combines data from the city of Vienna with geospatial data to help citizens find places for cooling and refreshments, such as drinking fountains, spray showers, pools, lakes, and water playgrounds.
  • Comhshaol


The 48er application offers information on waste disposal locations across Vienna. The current locations of waste disposal sites and general street pick-up locations are presented on a city map. In addition, a calendar shows upcoming collection dates. The application is supplemented with current news and facilitates contact with various waste collection services.
  • Rialtas agus earnáil phoiblí

API VlaanderenPDF

The Flanders local governmental institution releases an application programming interface (API) for government officials to obtain information from other institutes such as public meeting minutes, mandates, and election results. Doing so enables various local government bodies access information in a centralised location, eliminating the need to request information through personal channels.
  • Sláinte


Covidata is a website showing various statistics related to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as number of cases, deaths, hospitalisations, and the impact of lockdown measures on these numbers. Although the website is primarily designed to show data from Belgium and monitor how the country is handling the outbreak, international information is available as well. The website provides visualisations and dissects data on multiple levels, for instance by municipality, age group, or epidemic indicators.
  • Rialtas agus earnáil phoiblí


Openpatata-data is an informal initiative aiming to increase access to both publicly- and privately-held information with parliamentary information. This includes election candidate data, such as tenure or topics of interest, as well as parliamentary plenary session statistics and the questions that have been posed to members of parliament.
  • Daonra agus sochaí


The Migration Information Center provides housing, education, health, and social services for immigrants to help them feel protected, safe, and informed. The application is designed for asylum seekers, refugees, international protection beneficiaries, third country nationals, domestic workers, students, and resettled refugees.