AEPD announces the winners of 2018's Data |
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AEPD announces the winners of 2018's Data

ASEDIE wins award in the category "Good practices in privacy and personal data protection initiatives (...)"

On Data Protection Day on 28 January 2019, the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) announced the winners of the Data Protection Awards 2018. The multisectoral Information Association ASEDIE has been awarded the prize for "Good practices in privacy and personal data protection initiatives in the adaption and compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation", for private sector companies, associations and foundations.

For ASEDIE, this award represents recognition of the effort made in promoting the principles of transparency, access and opening of data, as well as an incentive to continue working on the adaptation to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its compliance in the Infomediary Sector.

Read more about the Data Protection Awards 2018 and its winners.

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