Agricultural data sharing in Europe |
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Agricultural data sharing in Europe

Transparency in data sharing in the agricultural sector is important for the steady food supply in the EU

Data sharing in the agricultural sector is important to guarantee a steady supply of food and biomaterials in the EU. The agricultural European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI) works to foster competitive and sustainable farming and forestry that achieves more and better from less. Sharing knowledge through (open) data can help to tackle challenges and connect people in the agricultural sector in Europe.

The EU Code of Conduct on agricultural data sharing, set up by a coalition of associations from the EU agri-food chain, consists of contractual relations and provides guidance on the use of agricultural data, particularly the rights to access and the use of data. The code grants the data originator (the one who has created or collected the data) a leading role in controlling access to and use of data from their business. In this way, the data originator can benefit more from sharing the data with any partner that wishes to use their data. In order to fully reap the benefits of digital farming, sharing data between different partners in the agro-food chain must be conducted fairly and transparently.

There are several providers of digital infrastructure for farmers to help them gain an overview of their agricultural data. Especially dairy farmers are ahead in using digital data platforms to improve their outcomes. For example, DJustConnect and JoinData are programs used by farmers in the Netherlands and Belgium. These programs give farmers the option to collect and share certain data.

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