Call for experts to evaluate CEF Telecom proposals |
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Call for experts to evaluate CEF Telecom proposals

Join INEA’s team to evaluate CEF Telecom proposals in different EU funding programmes

The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) is an executive agency established by the European Commission to increase the efficiency of the technical and financial management of several EU’s funding programmes. INEA implements the following EU programmes:

Currently, INEA is looking for new experts to assess the CEF Telecom project proposals that are submitted for EU funding in 2020. Examples of areas:

  • Public Open Data
  • eDelivery
  • Cybersecurity
  • Safer Internet
  • Blockchain
  • Media Observatory
  • European Platform for Digital Skills and Jobs

Interested in applying? Read more in INEA’s official news release “Sign up as a CEF Telecom expert!”.

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