CEF Telecom calls virtual Info Day | data.europa.eu
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CEF Telecom calls virtual Info Day

Register for the CEF Telecom calls virtual Info Day tomorrow from 10 am to 1:30 pm

Find out more about the CEF Telecom calls for proposals supporting Open Data activities and on how to implement core platforms for digital services like eIdentification (eID), eSignature or eInvoicing. The CEF Telecom calls virtual Info Day informs about award criteria, the submission process and offers the opportunity to ask questions to Commission and Agency staff members. The main topics of the Info Day are:

  • Public Open Data;
  • Automated Translation;
  • eDelivery;
  • eInvoicing;
  • Cyber Security.

You can download the full agenda and register for the virtual session. The recording will be accessible under the same link. Follow #CEFTelecomDay on Twitter @inea_eu and on LinkedIn.

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