The European Commission publishes a new Cybersecurity Strategy |
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The European Commission publishes a new Cybersecurity Strategy

The new EU Cybersecurity Strategy aims to safeguard citizens from cyber attacks

In December 2020, the European Commission published the EU Cybersecurity Strategy. As one of the building blocks of the strategy for  Shaping Europe's Digital Future, the Recovery Plan for Europe  and the EU Security Union Strategy, this publication aims to safeguard all citizens and businesses against cyber threats and helps create a resilient digital economy where digital tools and services can be trusted.

The strategy considers a variety of applications, including connected devices, the electricity grid or planes, as well as institutions such as banks, governments or hospitals. With various concrete proposals for regulatory, investment and policy initiatives, the strategy is focused around three domains of action:

  1. Resilience, technological sovereignty, and leadership;
  2. Building operational capacity to prevent, deter and respond; and
  3. Advancing a global and open cyberspace through increased cooperation

With this strategy, Europe aspires to keep the Internet as global and open as ever, yet with safety measures in place to protect European values and the fundamental rights of everyone. For more information, read the EU Cybersecurity Strategy.

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