Open Data hackathon Deutsche Bahn |
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Open Data hackathon Deutsche Bahn

New initiative to foster collaboration

The German railway company Deutsche Bahn (the Federal Republic of Germany being its single shareholder) is an active player in the German Open Data field. On their own Open Data portal, DB publishes a growing stock of data on infrastructure and mobility. The data is available for re-use, in a machine-readable and openly licensed form, in different formats, permanently and free of charge.

One of the goals of Deutsche Bahn is to open even more data. Therefore, they are organising a Hackathon to encourage the Open Data community to collaborate with them to reach that goal. The Hackathon takes place on 12 and 13 May in Berlin. Open Data enthusiasts are invited to create their own projects and applications, using the data from DB. Also, the latest developments regarding Deutsche Bahn's Open Data ambitions will be presented and participants will have the opportunity to meet inspiring people from the Open Data community and to exchange knowledge.

Do you want to know more about this event? Check the website here or register for the event here!

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