Open Data Maturity in Europe 2019 |
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Open Data Maturity in Europe 2019

Discover notable trends from the Open Data Maturity Report 2019

The Open Data Maturity (ODM) Report 2019 was published in December 2019. This report is the fifth annual report measuring the level of open data maturity across Europe. It records the progress achieved by European countries (which can be seen on the ODM dashboard) as they move forward with open data publication and re-use and the different priorities they have set to support it. The countries covered by this assessment include the 2019 EU28 Member States, as well as the EFTA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The report was requested by the European Commission within the context of the European Data Portal (EDP) and was coordinated by Capgemini Invent

The 2019 report identified four notable trends. For example:

  1. From quantity to quality. There is an intensified focus on ensuring the value of the data for re-users, often meaning improving the quality of the data before making it available.
  2. From publishing to creating impact. The EU28+ countries are no longer focused on simply publishing data and adhering to other basic requirements of the Public Sector Information Directive, but also on extracting benefits out of the data to enable greater impact.

Discover other insightful trends in the Open Data Maturity Report 2019. For more open data news, visit the EDP news archive and EPD Featured Highlights and follow the EDP via mail, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

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