Realo: A Belgian website showing available properties |
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Realo: A Belgian website showing available properties

A Belgian website that allows users to find information about properties in different neighborhoods in Belgium

Realo is a Belgian website that shows real estate properties and provides demographic information about the different places in Belgium - such as Brussels, Gent, Antwerp and Namur - through a search engine. This search engine enables users to find properties to buy and rent within Belgium and the different properties that are available near their current location. The website does this by collecting statistical demographical information per neighbourhood, as well as data provided by various agencies from different cities. In addition, the website provides a platform for users to sell their property on and offers an estimate value of how much the real estate is worth through an algorithm analysing data from the different real estate agencies across the country.

Realo is one of the over 400 use cases published on the European Data Portal. If you are aware of another inspiring use case, share your experience and knowledge about different applications and websites using open data with the EDP via mail, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

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