Story Telling with Data (SWD) launched a holiday challenge |
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Story Telling with Data (SWD) launched a holiday challenge

This month, SWD launched a holiday-related data visualisation challenge

The Story Telling with Data (SWD) is an initiative launched by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic to challenge and encourage people to practice and apply data visualisation and storytelling skills. SWD publishes monthly challenges at the beginning of every month and participants have a week to find data, create and share their data visualisation to compete in the challenge.

This month, SWD launched their monthly SWD data visualisation challenge with a holiday-related theme. SWD shared a general list of data sources and a holiday-related specific list of datasets from Australia, New Zealand and the US to support participants in finding data. In addition, SWD encouraged contestants to share additional datasets on different holiday-related topics from countries and regions around the world.

At the end of the month a recap is posted on their website to show the entries. The next SWD challenge will be announced in early January.

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