Izmantošanas gadījumi | data.europa.eu
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Izmantošanas gadījumi

910 rezultāti atrasti
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  • Transports

Dutch Digital Road SignsPDF

The Netherlands created a digital overview of all national road signs to increase road safety.
  • Reģioni un pilsētas

COVID-19 Cycling Measures DashboardPDF

As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) created an interactive dashboard visualizing the latest data on cycling measures.
  • Valdība un sabiedriskais sektors

ePaństwo FoundationPDF

The ePaństwo Foundation provides support to cities, communities, counties and public institutions that want to make their data publicly available for citizens.
  • Ekonomika un finanses

Global Economic Recovery TrackerPDF

The Financial Times is tracking the most relevant economic indicators to provide early insights in the economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic across countries.

Pārredzamība - Maksājumi

Šī lietotne, kas pagaidām pieejama tikai grieķu valodā, izvelk un apstrādā datus no PVN informācijas apmaiņas sistēmas (VIES) un Grieķijas portāla “DIAVGEIA” (https://diavgeia.gov.gr/). Datu apstrādei ir vajadzīgs interneta pieslēgums. (Ja pieslēguma nav, lietotāji var ievadīt prasītos datus, un tie tiks apstrādāti, kolīdz būs pieejams pieslēgums internetam.)

AUDIT TO-GÆTHER – sadarbība revīzijas jomā

Lietotne ieguva 3. vietu revīzijai veltītajā hakatonā, kas notika Prāgā 2020. gadā. Tā ļauj, pamatojoties uz informāciju no augstāko revīzijas iestāžu revīzijas plāniem, starptautiski salīdzināt revīzijas sagatavošanas vai īstenošanas procesā.
  • Veselība

EIOS Coronavirus News MapPDF

The COVID-19 News Map displays the headlines and snippets of the ten most recent COVID-19 related online published articles in their original language.
  • Iedzīvotāji un sabiedrība

Work, Teleworking, and COVID-19PDF

Eurofound published the results of an e-survey - Living, working and COVID-19 – which captures the impact in people’s work-life balance during the pandemic.
  • Transports

Social Distancing DashboardPDF

The Social Distancing Dashboard created by the TU Delft offers city maps that show if the 1.5-meter social distance rule can be respected when walking in public spaces.
  • Veselība

European Standards for Medical SuppliesPDF

In context of the COVID-19 crisis the European Commission made several European standards for certain medical devices and personal protective equipment openly available.