Izmantošanas gadījumi | data.europa.eu
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Izmantošanas gadījumi

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  • Transports


BrokenLifts is a Berlin-focused website that visualises broken lifts from public transport stations. Users see a list of all public transport stations that report a broken lift and which of the lifts at the station are broken. The project received the German mobility award in 2016.

  • Izglītība, kultūra un sports


Badimeter provides the user with information on all public open indoor and outdoor pools of Zurich. Users find information on water temperature, opening hours and location, and current real-time occupancy and scheduled occupancy for the swimming pool. Also, users can save their favourite pool so that it is shown as first one.

  • Zinātne un tehnoloģija


ZapMap shows all charching stations across the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Users can locate and navigate to the charging stations and see them either on a list or in a map view. Also, users can filter their results by any combination of charge point type (slow, fast, rapid AC and rapid DC), connectors, location type, payment and access type and limit their search only to available charging stations.

  • Transports


The platform consolidates all public transport worldwide on a single platform. Users can see different types of transportation modes, the respective stations per line, as well as, all changing opportunities at each station worldwide.

  • Veselība

Toilet MapPDF

Users of Toilet Map can find the nearest public toilet to their location on a map. The application provides the users with routes on how to arrive to the public toilet of their choice, and users can tailor their search to various criteria such as wheelchair accessibility. In addition, toilets can be saved as a 'favourite' for future planning.


Iedomājieties sevi lielveikalā, cenšoties daudzveidīgajā produktu klāstā izvēlēties šampūnu bērnam vai sejas krēmu. Kā lai zina, kurš produkts ir veselīgāks? Un kurš ir saudzīgāks pret vidi? Kā lai zina, vai produkti nesatur nedrošas vielas? “ GoodGuide” ir ASV lietotne, kas izstrādāta, lai reāllaikā sniegtu atbildes uz šiem jautājumiem. “GoodGuide” novērtē produktus, pamatojoties uz informāciju par to sastāvdaļām saistībā ar noteikumiem par ķīmiskajām vielām. Tā nodrošina patērētājiem tūlītēju piekļuvi viegli uztveramai informācijai. Lai noskaidrotu, vai produkts satur sastāvdaļas, par kurām
  • Iedzīvotāji un sabiedrība

Cologne Diversity CalendarPDF

This application shows all holidays of major religious communities as well as secular festivals and holidays of Cologne. The user can click on a specific holiday to gain additional insights such as its origin or tradition. Furthermore, individual holidays can be transferred to the users phone calendar.

  • Valdība un sabiedriskais sektors

Voordat het nieuws wasPDF

Voordat het nieuws was (before it became news) is a browser plugin that shows relevant political decisions and debates combined with the daily news. When users read news on the major Dutch national and regional news websites, the plugin provides additional political information from Council records that have lead to the news.

  • Veselība


The application provides information on public defibrillators including their accessibility in Vienna. Users see on a map the nearest defibrillator to their position. Also, users see additional useful tips for reanimation. The application has also an in-app option for an emergency call to Austrian ambulance. Lastly, information on first aid courses at local ambulances are displayed in the application.

  • Izglītība, kultūra un sports


The platform visualises cultural collections along timelines. For instance, users can see all Van Gogh's paintings along a timeline. The platform allows users to zoom in and experience what Van Gogh painted in a specific year. Next to the painting each year, user gets more context about what important milestone happened in this specific year for Van Gogh. Besides, the tool to limit the paintings to a certain key word search.