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Discover the data.europa academy: Fifth course, ‘Measuring the impact of open data’

Explore the fifth course of the data.europa academy on methods to measure the impact and value of open data in Europe

Open data brings multiple benefits, but understanding its real impact is an essential action that continues to explore. In the fifth course of the restructured data.europa academy, ‘Measuring the impact of open data’, you will learn more about different methods to measure impact in Europe, the importance of reuse and how our research showcased in the Use Case Observatory and the annual Open Data Maturity assessment contributes to measuring the impact of open data.

The course covers five different lessons. It begins with an e-learning on the importance of open data and how it can create governmental, social, environmental and economic impact in the lesson ‘Achieving impact with open data initiatives’. The second lesson, ‘Measuring open data impact in Europe’, introduces different approaches to measure the impact of open data and takes a closer look at the progress and trends of the Open Data Maturity assessment. Following that, the third lesson, ‘Open data best practices and monitoring use cases’ delves deeper into the impact of open data reuse on government, society, environment and economy. This lesson features inspiring use cases from fields such as mobility, journalism, or smart cities.

The fourth lesson, ‘Understanding public data demand in the public sector’, consists of webinars and reading materials that explore open data in the public sector, including methods to measure the demand of data reuse and how it can be used to create value. Lastly, the lesson ‘Stories from the Use Case Observatory’ focuses on our Use Case Observatory where you can monitor and evaluate the impact of open data reuse and discover what organisations across Europe are doing with open data. Through the e-learnings, reading materials, tools and videos, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to make an impact with open data  by the end of this fifth data.europa academy course. You can find the course and lessons here.

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