The Digital Public Goods Alliance |
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The Digital Public Goods Alliance

An initiative to attain the Sustainable Development Goals in low- and middle-income countries via open data

The European Data Portal (EDP) team was recently made aware of the Digital Public Goods Alliance (DPGA), a multi-stakeholder initiative set up to help low- and middle-income countries achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and create a more equitable world. The DPGA aims to achieve this by making it possible to find, develop, use, and invest in digital public goods. This can be anything from open source software to open data, open artificial intelligence models, or open standards. The DPGA supports these countries in various ways, including:

  • Through identifying and collecting open-source solutions that help build a fairer, better world and offer support in critical areas;
  • By increasing access to these solutions of digital public goods; and
  • By deploying solutions at scale, both sharing existing solutions in a given country, or extending it with relevant solutions that can be scaled up to a national system.

Interested to learn more about the project? Explore their website.

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