Hackathon "Cultural adventure on the palm" | data.europa.eu
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Hackathon "Cultural adventure on the palm"

Ljubljana encourages use of Open Data

The hackathon "Cultural adventure on the palm" will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia from 29 to 30 September 2018. The event is organised by the Ministry of Public Administration, the Ministry of Culture and the Slovenian Tourist Board. Its aim is to create the conceptual design of an IT solution that will enable better promotion and experience of Slovene cultural heritage in tourism through the visualisation of Open Data. The purpose is also to mark the Year of European Cultural Heritage in 2018.

With the organisation of a hackathon, the Ministry of Public Administration wants to promote the national portal of Open Data and encourage the use of Open Data of the Slovenian public sector, focusing on the topic of cultural heritage and tourism. Find more information about the event.

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