Open Energy Days, the power of Open Data |
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Open Energy Days, the power of Open Data

Three day hackathon on Open Data solutions in energy

From 23 to 25 September, the Danish Open Data Portal and Danish Business Authority join forces to organise a three day hackathon in Aarhus, Denmark. Students, entrepreneurs and businesses will be challenged to use Open Data provided by Danish municipalities and energy companies to develop innovative concepts, business ideas or other solutions in the field of energy.

The participants will be working on current and future challenges for sustaining our energy needs. As this is a multifaceted issue, participants are encouraged to work on the energy question from all possible angles. To present the complexity of the theme, a wide range of energy data and challenges will be presented for which sustainable solutions can be developed. The participants with the best solutions presented within the hackathon will be awarded a "start-up package" to further develop their solution and possibly to start their own business with it. In this package, the participants will receive advice from experts in the field of business development, marketing, technical design and much more.

You can register for this free event until 15 September. Would you like to explore the potential of Open Data in the field of energy? Read more about the event by following the link below.

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