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Recap of 2022 and outlook publication 2023

Explore our 2022 publications and discover what’s to come on in 2023!

The team wishes you all a happy new year!

This news piece is the first of a series of three releases to recap and reflect on 2022 and to provide an outlook for 2023. This initial piece highlights a few publications and studies published in 2022 and gives a sneak-peak on what to expect in 2023.  

The publications and studies in 2022 covered several topics relating to open data. This includes technical topics (real-time and geospatial), legal topics (anti competitive law and the changing the legal environment) and measuring the impact of open data. Examples of publications related to the three topics in 2022 are highlighted below.

  1. The technical topics saw improvements in line with understanding the opportunities for integrating real-time data sources in Furthermore, an updated version was published on geospatial trends for 2022, focusing on opportunities for based on emerging trends in the geospatial community;
  2. Looking at the legal topics, a report on sharing data (anti-)competitively was published in 2022. This was produced in the context of new upcoming legislation that will impact data holders and their practices under competition law. In 2023, data.europa academy will hold a webinar open to the public to better understand the changing environment on this topic;
  3. Finally, several publications and studies focused on measuring the impact and reuse of open data. This topic will continue to play an important role in webinars and publications in 2023. In 2022, launched the Use Case Observatory research project, a 3-year monitoring exercise of 30 reuse cases to better understand the economic, governmental, social and environmental impact of open data.  As a result, the Use Case Observatory Volume I was published. This report will be followed by two additional ones, respectively in 2024 and 2025.

Going forward in 2023, will continue to publish publications and studies that relate to and impact open data. A few examples of upcoming publications to look forward to in 2023 include reports on citizen generated data, data homogenisation, data publishing, and data funding. Finally, our yearly Open Data Maturity report is one to anticipate for the end of 2023. 

For those interested in diving deeper into open data, explore the data.europa academy, our data stories and our publications to learn more about different open data topics and the three highlighted themes. Aware of any upcoming events or open data trends that we should highlight in 2023? Share your thoughts and experiences with us via Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

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