Scotland's Falkirk Council uses open data |
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Scotland's Falkirk Council uses open data

Falkirk Council uses open data to help families finding school lunch clubs

Scotland's Falkirk Council is using open geospatial data to help families finding school lunch clubs and other resources to halt the summer 'holiday hunger'. More specifically, the Council is using open data and an open-source mapping tool - Our Falkirk - to tackle 'holiday hunger' and to help people identify resources where children who receive free school meals during term time can get food during their school holidays.

Our Falkirk went live in early May and shows users where to find lunch clubs, food banks and advice centres on a map. For example, one location people can get food is a holiday lunch club called Falkirk's Madison Community Church. By using Our Falkirk, users can see that the facility is open on Wednesday in July and August and that they offer activities for children, such as cake baking or necklace making, in addition to free food.

Discover more about Our Falkirk and how Scotland's Falkirk Council is using open data in their article.

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